Trades from 1 May to 31 May

Lost more than half of the profits due to a bad investment in Milan Station ( which was stopped out (again).

CodeNameSharesBuy DateBuyTarget / SoldProfit / LossDays Held
3988.hkBANK OF CHINA100024-May33.0856.278
2255.hkHAICHANG HLDG10009-May1.731.756.404
1813.hkKWG PROPERTY100011-May4.614.664.466
1150.hkMILAN STATION200011-May0.840.73-231.7821
2014.hkOZNER WATER100018-May1.191.2329.3314
2014.hkOZNER WATER200024-May1.181.26140.578
d1r.siARA Asset Mgt5009-May1.2351.269.502
bn4.siKeppel Corp10019-May5.275.355.3813

Net profit - HK$140 :(

I guess a lesson that should be learnt is never to buy into a stock that has plunged so drastically hoping for a rebound that never happens.

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